We make space.

Students are the future leaders of the interior design profession.

Our local Intermountain Chapter is working hard to implement specific programs, resources, and opportunities to help you make the most of your student membership and your educational career as well as to help you make the transition into a professional career.

campus centers

Utah is home to a handful of CIDA accredited design programs, many of which have IIDA Campus Centers. These provide resources on a university level and provide connection to professional members. To get involved on a student level, below is a list of contact information for the program directors at each school.

Check out our upcoming events page for student specific events and networking opportunities. If you have any questions or want to get involved, please contact our VP of Student Affairs.

Chelsy Antonich : students@iida-intermountain.org.

why become a member


Exclusive eligibility to use the Student IIDA acronym after your name demonstrates your credibility and maximizes your professional exposure.


Our most popular annual event which pairs Student Members and industry professionals for one day of job shadowing and networking.


Online access to our award-winning, thought-leadership journal published twice a year by IIDA.


This competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students around the world who are currently enrolled in an interior design or architecture program.


You qualify for the IIDA Student membership if you are currently enrolled in an interior design program at any university, institute of higher education, or accredited school of interior design.
Your application must include proof of enrollment which can be one of the following:

  • Copy of your current class schedule generated by your school and including your name

  • Photocopy of your current school ID

  • Copy of your transcript

  • Confirmation of enrollment from a professor including their printed name and signature